Imagine a school… in which all students are so excited about school that they can hardly wait to get there. Imagine… having little or no ‘discipline problems’ because the students are so engaged in their studies that those problems disappear. Imagine… yourself calling, sending notes or coming to school to tell us about the dramatic changes you are witnessing in your children: e.g. newly found enthusiasm and excitement for school, a desire to work on projects and research after school. Imagine… your children making exceptional growth in their basic skills of reading, writing, speaking, listening, researching, scientific explorations, math, multimedia and more!
Vivashwan Education & Welfare Society, registered under the Society Registration Act, is into imparting quality school education for last 15 years now, is a philanthropic which aims to catalyze, inspire and facilitate educational change in India through direct action.
The objective is to establish "Centres of Educational Excellence" - schools which tangibly demonstrate and exemplify the qualitative and cost-effective delivery of holistic education. These schools will then serve as Regional Exemplars and resource bases - educational hubs indented to reach out and impact widening ripples upon the communities around them, both directly and indirectly.
The Legacy
Foundation Academy is an endeavour by the Vivashwan Educational and Welfare Society...
Our Vision
Foundation Academy will provide a complete and unique educational experience for the...
Our Philosophy
Every child is unique: It is a well-known fact that no two thumbprints are alike. In the same...