It is indeed a great pleasure to welcome you all to Foundation Academywhich is an inclusive co-educational institution affiliated to CBSE, blossoming in the pristine campus of IIT Patna, Bihta. The school, since its inception on August 15th
has shaped up well and very soon move into brand new school building where we can have full fledged activities of the school, both curricular and co curricular
I am absolutely certain that the school will play a vital role in shaping up your child's personality enabling him/her to bloom to their fullest potential. Being situation in the IIT campus has its own advantages. Close proximity to a research centric atmosphere alongwith world class laboratories
and an intellectual set of people often ignites the young mind.
Parents have reposed a great confidence by giving the hands of their loving children in ours. I myself and on behalf of Foundation Academy assure all of you that your confidence will not be shaken ,however at the same time I also expect from dear parents to be vigilant and cautious about their children and closely observe their activities, spend quality time with them because children remain with us only for one- fourth time of the whole day. Our skills and your vigilance in combine will definitely bring positive results.
This website cannot give you the whole panorama about us but only a periscope of it. To know all about us, I warmly invite you to visit our school, give your valuable feedback and discover why we make education so special