Enquiry for Class 11th
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Student should carry his / her school diary and I-card everyday to school.
During the school hours, students must be present smartly dressed at all times - clean uniform, well polished shoes and proper socks.
Student should wear comfortable cotton under garments.
Students are to ensure a very high standard of cleanliness and personal hygiene.
The girls’ shirts are to be as prescribed in the Dress Code and should be worn, extending at least 6” below the waist.
Girls’ skirt should be up to knee length.
Boys’ shirts are required to be tucked into the pants at all times.
Boys should have their hair cut short and be clean - shaven, except Sikh students, who wear turbans.
Girls with long hair should have their hair plaited or tied neatly.
Hair should not be coloured, tinted or highlighted.
Students are not permitted to wear ostentatious or expensive jewellery, watches, wristbands or similar accessories.
Any item which can cause physical harm / injury or terror or destruction to life and property should not be brought to the school by students. Knives, guns, pistols, explosives, catapults, fire crackers, gas lighters and similar items are also completely banned within the school campus.
Possession or consumption of Heroin, Marijuana, Charas, Opium, Bhang or any other banned drugs, alcohol or alcoholic drinks including beer or any other similar item by the students is completely banned. Any violation of this policy will be subject to severe disciplinary action which may include immediate expulsion from the school.
Mobile telephones, Ipods (MP3 players), walkman gadgets are out of bounds for students in the school premises.
Consumption of chewing gum, pan or pan masala or similar substances by students is completely banned.
Students are strictly forbidden to write on the walls or any part of the school premises including toilets or furniture.
Students should not use any sort of abusive language at any time, which may lead to expulsion from the school.
Complete silence must be observed in the entire school during school hours.
Students are not permitted to loiter outside classrooms or laboratories. Students are also not permitted to run around and shout in the school premises. When using stair cases and corridors, students are requested to keep to the left.
Running and playing inside the school building is not permitted.
Students should keep the campus free of litter.
Students must treat all school property (the building, equipment, furniture, fittings, books etc.) with care and respect and report any damage to their class teacher. Students guilty of willful damage will be punished and charged for any necessary repairs / replacements.
Students are expected to show due courtesy to other students who are physically challenged or are much younger in age, especially in the use of common facilities.
The school will not tolerate inappropriate behavior by students such as bullying or ragging of any kind, overt display of affection between students, theft, forgery, borrowing without permission of the owner, improper care of the property of others and using obscene or vulgar language.
Students are expected to participate in all school activities unless excused by the appropriate head on a written request from the parent / guardian.
All students are required to attend the school on all working days. Students must attend all classes as per school Time Table and bring with them all relevant books.
Students who are unable to attend school because of illness must bring a letter signed by their parents and show it to their class teacher on the day of their return to school. Parents are requested to attach a medical certificate from a doctor if the student is absent for more than 03 days.
Parents should make a request for leave in advance and only when they are convinced of its absolute necessity. Except in case of injury or illness of the student, the application for leave written by the parent / guardian should be addressed to the Head of Primary / Secondary wing as applicable, and submitted through the class teacher. Leave for absence on the first and last days of summer vacation or autumn / winter break will not be ordinarily granted.
Students may not leave the school premises during the school working hours unless they have a letter signed by their parents, requesting permission to do so. This letter must have been sent to the Teacher In-charge Primary through the class teacher.
Pupils suffering from a contagious or infectious disease shall not be permitted to attend the school, until a medical fitness certificate is produced.
A pupil may not be allowed to sit in the session-ending examination if he has not put in a minimum of 75% of the total attendance of the academic session.
Students who expect to return home late from school must inform their parents in advance.
Birthdays are special occasions for the students and parents alike. Only candies, lollipops or toffees should be distributed on this occasion. Parents are requested not to send any cakes or take home presents for students or teachers. On their birthday, students are free to wear clothes of their choice, subject to norms of modesty.
Lost and found items are kept in the School’s Back Office. Any valuable item or cash found by students should be deposited at the Front Office. Students are advised to clearly write their name and class on all items brought to the school.
Parents, guardians and students are encouraged to check the school website at regular intervals for updates.
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